I don't want to go.......... Vue 1157 fois - Favorite : 2

To You from Us-(the photographer, the model & the poet)

Don't look upon me with the eyes of an artist- Inspecting colour, shading & tone

Don't gaze upon me with the eyes of a lover- Expecting lustful inspiration at home

Don't inspect me with the eyes of a poet- Scanning my soul & dissecting the moment

Don't glance upon me with the eyes of an old one- Hearing the echoes of moments long gone

Don't peer into me with the eyes of a young one- Seeking guidance of what is to come

Just experience now, what we give you
Make of it whatever you can take home.

Date de parution : 17/05/2012
Photo sélectionnée par les administrateurs : non

Copyright © Adrian McMillan (Australie), Tous droits réservés.
Cette photographie ne peut être utilisée sans le consentement écrit de son auteur.


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Adrian McMillan (Australie)
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